Ben Nadel wrote:
> I am pretty sure that select boxes do have a "value" attribute... Maybe
> its not standard?


As of the 1.5 standard, I don't believe JavaScript (ECMAScript, whatever)
included a "value" property for form elements.  As others have said, I've
always used selectedIndex on the options array to get the selected option,
and then referenced that option's value as in:

        var formEle = getElementById('formName');

All that said, it could be that either "value" has simply become a
non-standard property to the form element or, because of newer browser's
implementations of the DOM, it has become a semi-standard property.  I
haven't been able to find any standards that suggest its status one way or
the other.  I also didn't spend too much time looking 8^).

According to the latest standards I've seen, "value" is not standard.  This
could have changed but, because there are so may other ways to get to it and
none of us seem to know for sure whether or not it has become a new addition
to a standard, I'll stick with the other ways of doing it.  But that's
obviously a choice that everyone will have to make on their own.

If anyone decides to do some more testing on this, I'd be interested in
knowing if the form element's value is read/write or read only.  I would
suspect that it's read only but it would be interesting to find out what
happens if you try to write to the property.

Mosh Teitelbaum
evoch, LLC
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