loathe wrote:
> Query of queries?

QoQ can be very effective when combining a Verity search with a database 
query...allowing you to output more than just the data that verity has 
indexed, but still keep the order intact.  But in this case there would 
be a search that results in something like....

c:\doc1.doc - from the file collection - score:.55
and later down in the results
c:\doc1.doc - from the database collection - score:.27

When you go through and match those up, I'm not sure what you would use 
as the score when sorting...is the score actually .55 + .27?  is it .55? 
  is it (.55 +.27)/2 ?  The fact is, you probably can't come up with an 
effective "combined" score that really reflects that entries relative 
position.  Probably you would just use the higher score, and hope that 
was close enough.

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