>>In this specific case, you have a fixed list of Boolean values.

I said a "short list", it doesn't have to be fixed.
It can be a list of codes related to a table with codes and description, 
and this table is expandable.
But you don't always need a cross table between them.
I use this for permissions to access areas in my CMS system. For the 
time being, I have about
15 areas to 20, this system could be good for more than 100 different 
areas, but I KNOW that I'll never need
that much, it's as simple as that.

I also have in the same database about 7500 photographs, and 20000 
individuals,  each of whom may
be identified in several photos, and yes, in THAT case I use a cross table.
It's just a matter of judgment.

REUSE CODE! Use custom tags;
See http://www.contentbox.com/claude/customtags/tagstore.cfm
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