On 10/26/06, Rick Faircloth <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hi, Casey, and thanks for the feedback.
> I'd like to know more about what you mean by this:
> " We flush the above things out to their individual portals as static
> content.
>   Meaning cfftp much of the time, well events are an xml feed but the
> point
>   is, there is very little overhead on the server because once they
> "publish"
>   it's gone!"

We store their content  of a page in our database and when it comes time to
publish the page, we then take that content and create a static html files.
When they add pictures and files, we place them in a directory initially on
our server and when they publish the CMS page, we re-write the locations of
these files in the saved html page so they match the directory structure of
their webserver.  Now cfftp opens a connection and sends all the goodies
over to their website. These files are then ready to be included in their
template file, normally as an include.

asp: <!--#Include Virtual="/location/fileid101.html"-->

 cfml: <CFINCLUDE Template="/location/fileid101.html">

Nothing database driven in that setup, huh?  How do you get the content
> to send to the sites?

Database drives the admin area. Who has access to what pages, what
galleries, and what applications overall so we can turn on or off
functionality depending on the domain and the user. When the user commits
their changes we are publishing this database content as static which means
the client needs very little to run these pages on their web server.

Do you enter it in xml pages yourself and have that
> same info used on a variety of sites?  Is the information custom for each
> site?  (Perhaps it's time to learn XML...never could find a use for
> it...perhaps
> this is it)

Events run slightly different. We create an xml style sheet on their server
and feed the events list from our server.

Their are still projects we need to exclude from this type of setup but for
the most part it works for 3/4's of the projects. Everything else would be
100% custom.

CF 7...perhaps when we enter into the window of "buy CF 7 now, and get
> a *free* upgrade to CF 8...I don't want to pay $1300 now and another $600
> in less than a year.

I'm just joking around with ya on this one. I think you're the only one
outside of Government Agency's using something lower than 6.0 :-)


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