On 11/7/06, Josh Nathanson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Yup, that's the first thing I tried...when it didn't work I posted here
> hoping for further guidance.

Is the null character in your data or in the XML itself somehow?  If
the former, then I think CDATA may be the way to go.  It's a good idea
to go there anyway if you're not validating the nature of any variable
data that's being stored.  If you're storing prices, for example, then
you're probably okay.  If you're storing descriptions, though, which
people may copy/paste from MSWord then including it can be dangerous
if it's not contained in a CDATA block.

Without a better idea of what your XML structure/content looks like,
that's probably about as much help as I'll be able to provide.  Sorry.

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