> All,
> We use MeadCo's ScriptX ActiveX control on our Cold Fusion site for printing 
> coupons
> from a hyperlink without prompting the print dialog box.  This restricts the 
> user from printing
> coupons twice bu using the back button and with a little Javascript they 
> never see the coupon
> so they can't to a print screen either.  However, it only works with IE.
> Does anyone know of any solutions or have any ideas how to implement this for 
> Mac, Firefox etc.?
> Whoever creates the firefox entension for this will make some cash. We'd pay 
> at least a few hundred
> dollars for it.
> D


I could print that coupon 1000 times on my copier.

Put a barcode on your coupon and you wouldn't have this issue.
Casey Dougall
Web Applications Developer
Ph: 518 743-9424  Fax: 743-0337
Mannix Marketing Inc. 33 Park St. Third Floor, Glens Falls, New York 12801
wWw.TerrainAssassin.cOm - Nov1 2006

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