Thank you Rick!! 

I think the light maybe coming on here lately ;-). I think I've done about
all I can do with being self taught for the most part and trying to figure
it all out by myself ;-), coming out of the shadows and asking questions
here after I've exhausted trying everything my little brain can come up with
is definitely helping things to click for me.


-----Original Message-----
From: Rick Root [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Sunday, November 12, 2006 12:39 PM
To: CF-Talk
Subject: Re: cffile question

Jon Clausen wrote:
> On Nov 12, 2006, at 11:57 AM, Bob Imperial wrote:
>> 1.)In outputting my datetime here, how would I go about adding the 
>> AM/PM designation for output?
>>   <cfset myDate = now()>
>>   <cffile action="write"
>>      file="#BaseDir#\index.cfm"
>>      output="Website directories were created successfully on 
>> #DateFormat(CreateODBCDate(myDate), "mmmm d, yyyy hh:mm:ss")#">
> #DateFormat(createODBCDateTime(myDate), "mmmm dd, yyyy")# #TimeFormat 
> (createODBCDateTime(myDate),"hh:mm:ss tt")#
> ("tt" does not work in the DateFormat() function )

FYI, there is absolutely no need to use createODBCDateTime() here

If "myDate" is already a date, then you can just pass IT to date format. 
  The only purpose of createODBCDateTime() is if you're putting a date time
object in a query and you're *NOT* using CFQUERYPARAM.

so above, you'd be just fine with:

#DateFormat(myDate, "mmmm dd, yyyy")# #TimeFormat(myDate,"hh:mm:ss tt")#


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