I'll see if this works - I do think we found a setting problem with
Smartermail which may have caused the issue. 


-----Original Message-----
From: Cutter (CFRelated) [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Thursday, November 30, 2006 5:59 PM
To: CF-Talk
Subject: Re: Outgoing CF Mail undelivered

Seen this happen before (as far back as the 4.5 days til now). Something
hung up in CFs connection to your mail server. Even though the connection
may be good now, it'll still drop it all to undelivered.

Stop CF. Move all mail from your spool into a copy folder. Restart CF
services. Move messages from the copy folder back into the spool about 100
at a time, waiting to drag the next set until you see the spool empty. Move
messages from your undelivered folder back into the spool folder at about
100 at a time, waiting for the spool to empty each time.


Mark Leder wrote:
> For the past two days, all CF generated mail (using CF Mail or ims 
> Mail's CFX tag) are bouncing after being sent and immediately being 
> forwarded to the undeliverable folder.  I'm using IIS SMTP server for 
> the push out.  I've checked to make sure the service is running, and 
> we have made no changes to the SMTP server settings, nor to the 
> settings for the CFMail, etc.  I've also checked DNSStuff just in case 
> we got our IP blacklisted, which it is not.  And, I see no rhyme or 
> reason as to where the mail is to be sent to, it still bounces.  I've 
> also checked to make sure that we have a valid From address.
> Looking at the mail.log, the messages are either:
> Invalid Addresses; nested exception is: class
> javax.mail.SendFailedException: 550 <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> No 
> such user here (the vast majority of log entries).
> Invalid Addresses; nested exception is: class
> javax.mail.SendFailedException: 550 Authentication is required for 
> relay Usually comes from the form mail
> Now, the majority of the messages for the past two days have been a 
> list we send to everyday without problem, there can't be that many 
> invalid addresses.  Also, some of the other form mail that bounces is 
> a autoresponse sent back to the user who filled out the form, using their
own address.
> I'm out of ideas on how to solve this.  Help.
> Thanks,
> Mark

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