for os x users

works really well

as far as youtube goes, personally, I hate those vids, you can never see them 
and that would defeat your purpose. I'd say get a vps or dedicated box and sell 
some ad space.

>I am in the early phases (and still considering) starting an Open Source
>ColdFusion video tutorial site. The site will have training videos for
>ColdFusion (how to install, etc.) and any other topic in the ColdFusion
>community deals with. This site will be in a blog format and it will allow
>users beside myself to post videos. Here are the issues I could really use
>some input on.
>1.) Topics
>-Model Glue
>2.) What is the best software to use to create the tutorials. Here are some
>of the products I have found. While Captivate looks to be the best
>it is simply to expensive for an open source project.
> - Adobe Captivate
> - Camtasia Studio
> - Wink
>3.) Bandwidth considerations - If I host all of these tutorials and stream
>them (wmv or swf) bandwidth costs could shut me down. Is there an
>easy solution here? I was thinking initially about hosting the videos at
>youtube and just embedding them.
>Any thoughts here would be a big help!
>Thank You
>Dan Vega

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