
At this point there really isn't a *mock object* solution, per se for CF
developers in the form of any particular framework developed to create
Mocks. Really, the simplest way at this point is to create them by hand.
Also, are you sure you want mock objects that will fully behave like Reactor
or do you just want to stub out that layer to satisfy the Reactor

I just ask this because mocks are a perhaps the most difficult, tedious and
brittle form of stubbing out a component or set of components. If you have
already considered a simpler approach and decided you need mock objects,
then nevermind. Otherwise, I recommend you do.


On 12/4/06, Jeff Chastain <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >If you want to test the generated files that Reactor produces with
> different
> >changes, your test cases would be multiple declaractions of the Reactory
> >factory with different project names and DSN pointers.  The project files
> >are stored by the name of project your initialize in the factory.
> No, what I am attempting to test is the layer above Reactor ... the
> objects that call and utilize the reactor generated objects.  This is just
> one example.  I have other business objects that utilize dynamically
> generated web services ... they take in several arguments, process the data,
> send it to the web service, then return the result from the web service.  I
> don't want to test the web service, that is for another test - I want to
> test the object that is calling the web service or in the case of Reactor,
> calling the Reactor framework.
> Hopefully this is a bit more clear.

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