You could maybe try some java libraries..

We use to encrypt data on some of our
sites, not tried decrypting though...


On 08/12/06, Brian Peddle <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I am using PGP 6.5.8 to decrypt a file.  I can successfully run a
> command line to decrypt but I would like to run inside of a coldfusion
> process.  I currently run it in a .bat file and tried at first to just
> execute the .bat but got the error:
> File is encrypted.  Secret key is required to read it.
> You do not have the secret key needed to decrypt this file.
> <cfscript>
> args = ArrayNew(1);
> args[1] = "C:\Inetpub\ftproot\LocalUser\foo\filename.txt.pgp";
> args[2] = " -o C:\internet\import\filename.txt";
> args[3] = " -z passkeyhere";
> args[4] = " +batchmode";
> args[5] = " +force";
> </cfscript>
> <cfexecute name ="C:\Program Files\Network Associates\PGPNT\pgp.exe "
> arguments="#args#" outputfile="C:\internet\import\test.txt"></cfexecute>
> I get the same error.
> I have tried to give the coldfusion user admin rights, that didn't do
> it.  Tried a variety of combinations on the args and no luck.  Has
> anyone done this using CFXECUTE.  I know there is the CFX_PGP tag but I
> thought I would go this route first since it should work.  I also
> couldn't find any decrypt docs on CFX_PGP to demo it properly.
> Thanks

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