Woah there Johnny Storm - give a guy a chance to do an update.

Anyway - I have got to the bottom of things - it was the fact that I had debug 
turned on (although suppressed) that made the difference to the execution 
times. With debug now turned off I get:

inline execution = 29 milliseconds
include execution = 69 milliseconds
custom tag execution = 120 milliseconds
uninstantiated CFC tag execution = 1244 milliseconds
instantiated CFC tag execution = 56 milliseconds

Which is very acceptable.

I'll update the blog with my findings when I have time, but I didn't want to 
keep anyone waiting here ;-)



> That is not his problem. I bet I know where his problem is but since 
> he is disinclined to share his code and configuration to debug it I am 
> disinclined to share the solution. 
> If you post incomplete questions, you get incomplete answers.

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