Dan Singerman wrote:
> Woah there Johnny Storm - give a guy a chance to do an update.

When you post a question to a high volume mailinglist, you make sure that the 
next few hours you are available to provide follow-up. You don't go off and do 
something else while other people work on your problem. It is a simple matter 
of mailinglist etiquette.

> Anyway - I have got to the bottom of things - it was the fact that I 
> had debug turned on (although suppressed) that made the difference to 
> the execution times. With debug now turned off I get:
> inline execution = 29 milliseconds
> include execution = 69 milliseconds
> custom tag execution = 120 milliseconds
> uninstantiated CFC tag execution = 1244 milliseconds
> instantiated CFC tag execution = 56 milliseconds

While debugging is indeed the problem I was referring to, I don't think this is 
the bottom.

First, you need to run many more iterations, these timings are well within the 
range where the resolution of getTickCount() has nasty side-effects.

Second, the following code has a problem:
<cfset testString =  testString & " and another thing">
With each iteration the string will get longer and the append operation will 
start to dominate your execution time. You are not measuring the time it takes 
to call a CFC versus the time it takes to call a customtag, but you are 
measuring some large append and a little bit off noise. So you need to reset 
testString every X iterations or even better, make a no-op from this append.

Third, if you are using types in your cfarguments, the CFC is doing more then 
the other versions because it does type checking. You would need an 
IsSimpleValue() call in all the other code to emulate this (CF doesn't have an 
IsString()), or remove the types in your cfarguments.

You will see some very different timings if you do this.


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