Try joining the two user tables rather than doing tons of single-row
queries on the updated table.  Unfortunately you will have to alias all
of the columns from one of the tables to get unique column names.  (You
might do a single query of the users table that returns zero records
just to get the column names... Then you could build the aliasing SQL in
code and then just execute it.)


-----Original Message-----
From: Doug Bezona [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Tuesday, January 09, 2007 11:50 AM
To: CF-Talk
Subject: Getting changed fields from database using an audit table

Hi folks,
The environment is SQL Server 2000 and CFMX 7.0.1

Here's the scenario. I have two tables. One is the primary table of data
(let's call it USERS), the other is a table (say, USERS_UPDATED) with
identical columns that stores a date in each column representing the
last updated date of the corresponding column in the Users table.

The USERS table also has a single "lastupdated" field.

I am looking for the most efficient way to extract all changed fields
from USERS from a given date, using the date values in USERS_UPDATED.

Now, the issue isn't getting the information - I have working code to do
this. The issue is performance with large resultsets. 

Currently, I am 

1. selecting the records from USERS with lastupdated >= (some date) 2.
selecting the corresponding records from USERS_UPDATED 3. Looping over
the result of the USERS query 4. within the USERS loop, looping over the
list of columns, and comparing the date in USERS_UPDATED with (some
date) to build the output result.

Works fine until there are a lot of changed records in the USERS table
for the provided date. 

A couple of real numbers: 

USERS has 89 columns.
There are ~12000 updated records.

This means my current code does 12000*89 loop iterations or 1068000
total iterations. It's WAY too slow for our needs.

There has to be a better approach, but I am coming up blank. Anyone have
any ideas? 

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