Straight from livedocs
Specifying the CFC location

When you instantiate or invoke a component, you can specify the component
name only, or you can specify a *qualified* path. To specify a qualified
path, separate the directory names with periods, not slashes; for example,
myApp.cfcs.myComponent specifies the component defined in

ColdFusion uses the following rules to find the specified CFC.

   - If you use a
or the
to access the CFC from a CFML page, ColdFusion searches directories
   in the following order:
      1. Local directory of the calling CFML page
      2. Directories specified on the ColdFusion Mappings page of the
      ColdFusion MX Administrator
      3. Web root
      4. Directories specified on Custom Tag Paths page of the

   If you specify only a component name, ColdFusion searches each of
   these directories, in turn, for the component.

   *Note: *If you use only the component name to specify the CFC,
   ColdFusion does not search the directories specified in the Administrator on
   the ColdFusion Mappings page. If you specify a qualified path that starts
   with a mapped directory name, ColdFusion does find the component.

   If you specify a qualified path, such as myApp.cfcs.myComponent,
   ColdFusion looks for a directory matching the first element of the path in
   each of these directories (in this example, myApp). If it finds a matching
   directory, it then looks for a file in the specified path beneath that
   directory, such as myApp\cfcs\myComponent.cfc relative to each of these

   *Note: *If ColdFusion finds a directory that matches the first path
   element, but does not find a CFC under that directory, ColdFusion returns a
   not found error and does *not* search for another directory.
   - If you invoke a CFC method remotely, using a specific URL, form
   field, Flash Remoting MX, or a web service invocation, ColdFusion looks in
   the specified path relative to the web root. For form fields and URLs
   specified directly on local web pages, ColdFusion also searches relative to
   the page directory.

*Note: *On UNIX and Linux systems, ColdFusion MX attempts to match a CFC
name or Custom tag name with a filename as follows: First, it attempts to
find a file with the name that is all lowercase. If it fails, it then tries
to find a file whose case matches the CFML case. For example, if you specify
<cfobject name="myObject" Component="myComponent">, ColdFusion first looks
for mycomponent.cfc and, if it doesn't find it, ColdFusion looks for

Thank You
Dan Vega

Create robust enterprise, web RIAs.
Upgrade & integrate Adobe Coldfusion MX7 with Flex 2;56760587;14748456;a?


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