that seems...odd.

can you just throw a template up there with a <cfdump var="#cgi#">
just for shits and giggles?

On 1/9/07, Bruce Sorge <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> If anyone plans on using GoDaddy for CF hosting, be careful There are some
> tags that they do not suport, like CFDUMP. I have in my Application.cfc a
> cftry-catch block that does a query on a table on only the first row to make
> sure that there is a connection to the database, and if not it throws a
> friendly error message to the user and sends me an email. I am dumping the
> information into the mail. Well it works fine on my test server but gives me
> a java.lang error message. I checked their support site for this and there
> is nothing there. So I am assuming they do not support that tag just as they
> do not support CFOBJECT and some others.
> No big deal since I am not using CFOBJECT anyway, but it sucks that I cannot
> dump out variables and such if there is an error on the live site.
> --
> Bruce Sorge

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