
Thanks for the clarification.


On 1/9/07, Jon Clausen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> On Jan 9, 2007, at 3:23 AM, Matt Quackenbush wrote:
> > Thanks for the reply.  Do you currently run MySQL and/or PostgreSQL on
> > Windows boxes?  If so, what version(s) for both the db server and
> > windows
> > servers?
> Both.  8.2 for Postgres and 5.1 for MySQL.    XP Pro and Server 2003
> for the OS.
> > Also, just to clarify on the case-sensitivity point you made, am I
> > correctly
> > understanding that the following query **typically**
> > would not have any
> > issues?
> >
> > <cfquery>
> > SELECT my_field
> >    FROM my_table;
> > </cfquery>
> >
> > Even if the field was named as 'my_Field' (minus the quotes) in the
> > database?
> Actually, the other way around.  When you convert your tables over to
> Postgres, you'll have to lowercase them.  Once again, though if you
> don't quote the table names in the script, Pg will automatically take
> care of lower casing that for you when you run the Create's.
> Then any queries you have with mixed case names for the table
> attributes will still run.
> If you uppercase any of the table/column names,  you will have to
> quote them.
> HTH,
> Jon

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