Robertson-Ravo, Neil (RX) wrote:
> Well, your URL is simple a rewrite of index.cfm?foo=foo, it is not a
> permanent location for this document in that if I bookmark this page and you
> delete foo, I will be 100% guaranteed to get it again. This is simple a
> facade onto the normal query string approach.   The fact you still have
> index.cfm in the URL points to a hack.

Ah, I think that there was a misunderstanding then. I was discussing 
rewriting, which would remove the index.cfm altogether. I advocated a 
url of the form:

where articles, coldfusion and 
search-engine-friendly-urls-with-coldfusion map to variables that you 
then use to serve up the content in question. The point being, the 
content could be a file that you move around on the filesystem or it 
could be in a cms or migrated from one to another while still keeping 
the same URI. I too do not like having index.cfm in the middle of a url. 
  It is still true that if I delete the content (or website for that 
matter) then your bookmark will fail. But that is only true in the most 
trivial sense, like saying that falling down won't hurt if you turn off 

And I would not consider using a rewrite scheme to be a hack at all. The 
spec for URI's do not require that items in the url map directly to 
folders/files. It is rather a scheme for organizing information and 
providing an addressing mechanism. And if we can keep URI's permanent 
and human readable, then we've accomplished what URI's were intended for.


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