Thanks Charlie, I'll check that out.

Charlie Griefer wrote:
> 1) not sure
> 2) add the pane (perspective) to the "fast view"...this will minimize
> it to an icon on the side of the screen (not sure which side by
> default, but I end up dragging it to the left side).  clicking the
> icon will open it.  clicking anywhere else (like back in the editor
> after you've opened the file you want) will automatically close it.
> don't even need to hit F9 :)
> On 2/3/07, Rey Bango <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> Okay, so I'm giving Eclipse and CFEclipse another shot since CFE 1.3 was
>> just released. Two quick questions:
>> 1) Is there a way to open a cfm or cfc file and make the CFE perspective
>> automatically become the active perspective. Currently, if I have the
>> Java perspective active and I open a cfm or cfc file, it stays in the
>> Java perspective. I'd like it to go to the CFE perspective.
>> 2) One of the things that I loved about CF Studio is pressing F9 and
>> having the file explorer collapse. Is there a way to get the same
>> functionality in CFE?
>> Thanks....

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