> Is there a way to drop the dashes (-) when validating for 
> SSN? The SSN in the database don't have them.
> <cfinput type="text" name="ssn" maxlength="9" size="28"
> validate="social_security_number" validateat="onsubmit"
> class="formveld">

Here's the regex that CF uses for client-side SSN validation:

/^[0-9]{3}(-| )[0-9]{2}(-| )[0-9]{4}$/

I found it in /CFIDE/cfform.js. It looks to me like this expression looks
for dashes or spaces, but requires one or the other.

There are a couple of approaches you could take. I think that I'd just strip
the dashes from the value in your action page. If that's not acceptable to
you, you could use your own regular expression instead of theirs, or you
could write your own validation routine.

Dave Watts, CTO, Fig Leaf Software

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