We have started that per policies at our institution.  We never store plain 
passwords, though.  We store passwords and a password history as MD5 hashes, 
then just do a quick MD5() on what they entered and what they have in the DB.

We also have all the same restrictions you've listed (3 types of 
characters/numbers, length, password expiry, etc.).  It's taken some amount of 
effort, but we've deployed them as internal web services so all apps use the 
same rules, no exceptions.  And if we decide to change the rules, we do it once 
and it's done.

My 2ยข,

-----Original Message-----
From: Mik Muller [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Thursday, February 08, 2007 1:15 PM
To: CF-Talk
Subject: RE: Validate Password

Nice piece of work. And I learned a thing or two, too.

On question: wouldn't the query below just check to see if the password had 
been used three times site-wide? Wouldn't you want to also check that it wasn't 
used by the user in question? I know it wasn't stated in the list, but I'm 
inferring that would be a requirement. This also assumes that the user 
management functionality includes a vehicle for forcing changing your password 
every x number of days, and also validates that the current password works for 
that particular username. There has to be a correlation.

And a theoretical question... do people generally store their user's previous 
passwords in a list?


At 11:22 AM 2/8/2007, you wrote:
>This can't be done on the client-side, of course, because you're
>checking the password history.
>How about this:
><cffunction name="isValid" returntype="boolean" output="no">
>        <cfargument name="fieldValue" type="string" />
>        <cfset var local=structNew() />
>        <cfset local.isValid=0 />
>        <cfquery name="chkPwrdHist" datasource="myDSN">
>                SELECT TOP 3 *
>                FROM [pwrdTbl]
>                WHERE [pwrd]=<cfqueryparam
>value="#arguments.fieldValue#" />
>                ORDER BY [setDate] DESC
>        </cfquery>
>        <cfif chkPwrdHist.recordCount eq 3><cfreturn false /></cfif>
>        <cfif len(arguments.fieldValue) lt 8 or
>len(arguments.fieldValue) gt 127><cfreturn false /></cfif>
>        <cfif REFind("[A-Z]+",arguments.fieldValue)><cfset
>local.isValid=local.isValid+1 /></cfif>
>        <cfif REFind("[a-z]+",arguments.fieldValue)><cfset
>local.isValid=local.isValid+1 /></cfif>
>        <cfif REFind("[0-9]+",arguments.fieldValue)><cfset
>local.isValid=local.isValid+1 /></cfif>
>        <cfif REFind("[\W_]+",arguments.fieldValue)><cfset
>local.isValid=local.isValid+1 /></cfif>
>        <cfif local.isValid lt 3><cfreturn false /></cfif>
>        <cfreturn true />

Michael Muller
Admin, MontagueMA.net Website
work (413) 863-0030
cell (413) 320-5336
skype: michaelBmuller

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