Here's what I have used in the past, with feedback: 

FCK Editor - The best product I have found thus far. Prior versions were less 
than remarkable, but their latest versions are excellent! Very customizable, 
very cross-platform compatible, and does not require any additional plugins 
(Java, Flash, etc). Plus - it's free :). 

soEditor - This is an *ok* product. It doesn't do anything that the FCK editor 
doesn't do. It comes with a price tag, and it's "code sweeper" function is less 
than perfect. I used this for a number of clients in the past and I have had to 
go into the code generated by this editor numerous times to fix various layout 
issues from poor code nesting. 

Ektron eWebWP - Purely flash based. Poor functionality, and poor integration. 
Doesn't offer any code clean-up features. 

ActivEdit - Decent product, but licensing is a pain in the ass. It is able to 
run in DHTML or Java mode, but I would recommend forcing Java mode. Doesn't 
offer any code clean-up features. 

Now when I say "code clean-up features" - specifically I'm referring to the 
ability to paste content from outside applications (most notably - MS Word). 
FCK Editor will clean up word garbage on-the-fly. soEditor will clean up word 
garbage after clicking "code sweeper" or by pasting using the special "paste 
from word" button. Ektron and ActivEdit just leave word's garbage in the code...

And that's my 2 cents.


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