I'm understanding this a little...I think...

But if data is rearranged in the sortform, then
how will the table data also be rearranged once
the "Sort Realtors" link is clicked again and the
table is shown?

You can probably tell, I'm a little clueless here...


-----Original Message-----
Sent: Tuesday, February 13, 2007 5:29 PM
To: CF-Talk
Subject: RE: How to re-order items?

What I have similarly done in the past is to create a button/link titled
<a>Sort Realtors"</a> on top of the table. 

The sort button will open a div element <div id="sortform"> that contains
the <ul>s with the <li>s. If you currently have a <table> with your list of
your realtors, just enclose the entire table within a <div

Then using jQuery's .toggle(), .show(), AND .hide(), everytime the user
clicks the "Sort Realtor" link, it just toggles between your "realtortable"
and the "sortform" divs.

So in a way, you are still using your typical table layout and any existing
tables, but with an added Sort functionality.

Hope that makes sense, Rick.  CF+jQuery Rules!!

> -----Original Message-----
> From: Rick Faircloth [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Sent: Tuesday, February 13, 2007 1:56 PM
> To: CF-Talk
> Subject: RE: How to re-order items?
> Interesting...I'll have to figure out a way to adapt that
> to my typical design:
> Name of Agent                 Update     Delete
> With links on the Update and Delete words to the update
> and delete pages.  And these are usually in a table row...one row
> for each agent, spawned by the loop of a query.
> Can the class on the li, "sortableitem", be put on a table row?
> And drag the entire table row?  Or will I have to resort to some kind
> of table-less design for this to work?
> Rick

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