Hi Tom,

Do you get these content from DB? OR content is direct inside of cfm files?

If DB is then if you are using MySQL you need to be careful to set 
Unicode option in Linux platform.


JDBC URL must be something like that:

*If you have problem with content in cfm files, I would suggest to save 
your cfm files with Unicode (utf-8) and set also BOM as activated.*


Oğuz Demirkapı

Tom S wrote:
> Hi,
> Recently we moved from MS Windows Server 2003 (IIS 6) to Red Hat Enterprise 
> Linux (Apache 2.2) as our Coldfusion Enterprise MX 7.02 webenvironment. 
> We use Eclipse/CFEclipse (on Windows XP) in combination with RDS to 
> edit/create CF files on our server.
> When we create a new file and put it on the server via RDS, all characters 
> such as �, �, � etc. are translated in a black parallelograms with a 
> white question mark inside.
> All possible settings/parameters are set to UTF-8 (in Eclipse, Coldfusion 
> Administrator and Apache). When we used Windows Servers we didn't have this 
> problem.
> Has somebody got a solution for this annoying problem?
> Tanx!
> Tom



Oğuz Demirkapı

TeraTech Inc. | Senior Developer
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