I am working on a small page for our intranet, printing out a complete
history of a repository history. I have been taking some leaves out of
CFDIFF (Thanks to Rick Osborne for doing lots of the hard yards!) and
rolling my own bits.

I have had some reasonable success with SVNKit, but this bit has me
stumped - I think its just my understanding of the docs and lack of
ability to translate it to CF code, so I hope someone can help!

I have the list of all logEntries, but I now need the files for each revision.

The problem is this line:

SVNLogEntry logEntry = ( SVNLogEntry ) entries.next( );

>From  https://wiki.svnkit.com/Printing_Out_Repository_History

I have

<cfset i=ent.iterator()>
<cfloop condition="i.hasNext()">
<cfset f=i.next()>
<cfset fileentries =


but I cant work out how to pass f into the init for SVNLogEntry which
looks to be the equivalent of what they do in the Java example

Here is the complete Java tutorial for this

And thanks to Rick Osborne for publishing cfdiff that has helped me
get this far!

Can anyone help?

Duncan I Loxton

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