
This is off the top of my head, but you would be best to do it this way, and
remember cfdump is your friend here too.

         for ( Iterator entries = logEntries.iterator( ); entries.hasNext( )
; ) {
             logEntry = entries.next( );
             WriteOutput( "---------------------------------------------" );
             WriteOutput("revision: " + logEntry.getRevision( ) );
             WriteOutput( "author: " + logEntry.getAuthor( ) );
             WriteOutput( "date: " + logEntry.getDate( ) );
             WriteOutput( "log message: " + logEntry.getMessage( ) );

             if ( logEntry.getChangedPaths( ).size( ) > 0 ) {
                WriteOutput( );
                WriteOutput( "changed paths:" );


On 3/9/07, Duncan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I am working on a small page for our intranet, printing out a complete
> history of a repository history. I have been taking some leaves out of
> CFDIFF (Thanks to Rick Osborne for doing lots of the hard yards!) and
> rolling my own bits.
> I have had some reasonable success with SVNKit, but this bit has me
> stumped - I think its just my understanding of the docs and lack of
> ability to translate it to CF code, so I hope someone can help!
> I have the list of all logEntries, but I now need the files for each
> revision.
> The problem is this line:
> SVNLogEntry logEntry = ( SVNLogEntry ) entries.next( );
> From  https://wiki.svnkit.com/Printing_Out_Repository_History
> I have
> <cfset i=ent.iterator()>
> <cfloop condition="i.hasNext()">
> <cfset f=i.next()>
> <cfset fileentries =
> createObject("java","org.tmatesoft.svn.core.SVNLogEntry").init()>
> ....
> </cfloop>
> but I cant work out how to pass f into the init for SVNLogEntry which
> looks to be the equivalent of what they do in the Java example
> Here is the complete Java tutorial for this
> http://svnkit.com/kb/javadoc/org/tmatesoft/svn/core/SVNLogEntry.html
> And thanks to Rick Osborne for publishing cfdiff that has helped me
> get this far!
> Can anyone help?
> --
> Duncan I Loxton

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