First off...shouldn't you all be out doing something other than working? ;-)
Since you're not out somewhere having way too much fun, I could use some
enlightenment here.
I have a form passing multiple values via some checkboxes, I think I've got
the insert down ok for that with the following: I'm working with MySql and
the week_of field I have set to unique in the db.
<cfloop list="#Form.songTitle#" index="item">
  <cfquery name="current_week" datasource="#dsdata#" username="me"
   INSERT INTO current_week (song_title)
   VALUES ('#item#')
My question comes in with a form field that only needs to be inserted once
for each group of songs, this value is also being passed via the form, how
would I go about handling this? To muddy this up a tad more, I have a second
for that handles song docs that need to be inserted and associated with the
week_of insert from the first insert statement. Any help would of course be
greatly appreciated! I work alone so my only source for
feedback/help/direction is this and a few other lists.
Thanks! Bob

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