>Perhaps there are free versions of a CF Server
>(Coral Web Builder, Smith Project, and one more I can't
>think of that is free) that can be utilized until Scorpio
>becomes available?

Railo is free for community, low-budget business, and developer use, and has a 
very cheap professional edition (€200).

I suspect IgniteFusion is the freeware one you're thinking of. I've looked at 
that and wasn't too impressed; whilst I haven't done a proper evaluation of 
them, I suspect Smith might be better.

Coral Web Builder isn't free, it costs $225, plus $50 for each developer 

Unfortunately I haven't really looked at jQuery yet, so can't tell you which of 
these might be most suitable.

>Hi, all...
>Well, what I figured was going to happen is happening.
>There seems to be an emphasis in Scorpio in increasing
>the number of pre-built components, especially are Ajax
>And the Ajax bug has finally bitten me, via jQuery, but I'm
>running into limitations about what I can do server-side
>with CF 4.5...
>I'm planning to upgrade Scorpio when it becomes available
>proves itself reliable, but I want to use Ajax functionality
>now with CF 4.5 sp2....
>Is WDDX is the only option for accomplishing this with
>I've been working with jQuery and using Ajax to send
>info to .cfm pages for processing, but I'm bumping up
>against the need to implement Ajax functionality on
>the server back to jQuery.
>Am I just out of luck without Json or is it worth the effort
>to develop in WDDX (if appropriate for my situation)
>until Scorpio is released?
>Perhaps there are free versions of a CF Server
>(Coral Web Builder, Smith Project, and one more I can't
>think of that is free) that can be utilized until Scorpio
>becomes available?
>Thanks for some perspective on this matter...

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