Your webserver passes the request to CF. CF looks at the relative URL in

the forwarded request and maps that to the known context roots (the list

of them is in application.xml in the MEAT-INF directory). If there is a 
match the request is handled by that application and antyhing after the 
context root is appended to the location of the .war. Any virtual 
directories you need are in the xxx.web.jrun.xml file (xxx depends on 
the name of the application).


OK, so when I hit IIS for an image, does it bother JRUN for it, or does
it just serve it up?  I was under the impression that IIS would
automatically serve all static content.  


Uhmm, it just works???

The default behaviour for the webserver connector for clusters is to 
provide sticky sessions based on the first 4 bytes of the J2EE 
sessionID. Have you enabled J2EE sessions?


Per my original post, I have disabled sticky sessions and do not intend
to enable them.  JREE sessions ARE enabled in each instance, and I am
sharing sessions among instances in my cluster.  My sessions are not,
however, sticky.  Now, since I have three instances in my cluster only 1
out of 3 cfcharts on a page work, since the other two hit another
instance which is apparently not able to generate the .png for it the
chart.  (Round Robin)
I don't know how I can make that any clearer.  My question is WITHOUT
enabling sticky sessions, how can I force my cfcharts to go back to the
correct instance to retrieve the image.  Or whatever else would work.
Has anyone else EVER had their cfcharts break when they started using a
cluster and didn't use sticky sessions?


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