> OK, so when I hit IIS for an image, does it bother JRUN for it, or
> it just serve it up?

Do you have a wildcard mapping in IIS or not?


Hmm, I will look.  I assume the mappings are set up when I use wsconfig
to connect my webserver to my instance or cluster?  Is that what the
"Configure web server for ColdFusion MX applications option" checkbox


> Per my original post, I have disabled sticky sessions and do not
> to enable them.

You said you had disabled them on the loadbalancer, not on the JRun 


I apologize if I used incorrect terminology.  In my current set up, I am
using a single web server which in connected to a JRun cluster.  The
only "load balancing" going on is inside of the JRun cluster.  There is
no other hardware or software load balancing going on anywhere in my
test configuration.  All references made to "load balancer" changes
referred to the options made available to me by logging into CF
Administrator, going to Enterprise Manager, and checking and unchecking
boxes in the interface pertaining to my cluster.


Perhaps you can do it the other way around and have all instances share 
a common filesystem cache for cfchart images.


That sort of makes sense, but how is that even possible?  
I don't see any settings at all for the cfchart tag where I can specify
where it places the chart images or how it generates the HTML to include

The image source looks like this:

How on would I control that, or force ColdFusion to write all images
from all clusters to one location which was accessible by all?
Heck, I don't even know when the actual image is made.  Does the cfchart
tag make the images, or is it actually generated when my browser
requests the image?

I still don't understand how I seem to be the only person in the world
with this problem.  Does nobody else running a cluster even use cfchart?
I guess I figured trivial things like this would have been ran into a
thousand times by now, and there would be known, documented workarounds.
I suppose I'm just asking too much...  :)


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