Sounds to me like you need a relationship table!

Get away from the list of values, and instead use a separate table,
with a relation table, which links the two together.

For the one-offs (if I'm even using that term right) it's no big deal, but
if you're going to be doing a fair bit of stuff with the data... you are
really going to want to "normalize" it.

MySQL has some fancy and amazingly helpful functions for working
with "list of values" type fields, but still, it's a best practice to normalize
wherever you can...

Damn you Ben!  GMail just pinged me, and I'm betting you just suggested
the same damn thing...  yup.  Oh well.  I'll post this anyway, for emphasis.
(Not conditioning! ;)

On 3/27/07, Joel W wrote:
> Thanks for the response.  One of the issues I am running into is that (and I 
> failed to

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