"From what we've found, the CFID, CFTOKEN, and JSESSIONID are all still
valid cookies on the user side."  - on the users having the issue and not
just local been working users?  just checking

and have you tried just putting them in the url string for all your links.
been awhile since I had to think about that, but if im not mistaken, that
should avoid cookie problems all together.


-----Original Message-----
From: Jason Dunaway [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Thursday, April 05, 2007 7:41
To: CF-Talk
Subject: Session timeout problems

Hi all,

I'm having trouble with sessions timing out randomly.  I have 2 days to get
a fix together for this problem so any help is greatly appreciated.  Here
are the specifics:

The website in question is heavily based upon user information.  We designed
a "user" component that is loaded in the session scope when the user logs
in.  This component contains all of the user's information as well as
methods dealing with the user's information.  

In the site's main application.cfm, we are checking to verity that
"session.userdata" is defined in order to access any page.  If that variable
is not defined, then we direct the user to a "session timeout" page that
requires them to log back in.  Our goal is to have the session timeout be
set at 2 hours.  We've made sure that, on the coldfusion server admin end,
everything is setup to 2hrs.  In the application.cfm page, we're setting the
application up like this:

<cfapplication name="test" sessionmanagement="yes"
sessiontimeout="#CreateTimeSpan(0,2,0,0)#" setclientcookies="yes">

OK, so in theory this should be fine.  Well, not so much.  Most (like 90% or
more) of our users DO NOT have any issues.  They stay logged in for the 2
hours without any problems.  In fact, we are unable to duplicate the problem
but have confirmed that it's happening with some users.  Every time the view
a page the timer is reset and all is well.  Well for quite a few users we
are seeing that their sessions are timed out randomly, ranging from 3
minutes all the way to 117 minutes!  It is very strange.  

The site is on a cluster (2 servers), so we assumed that the "sticky" is not
working correctly.  Proxy server stuff also has been considered.  We've
taken all of the steps necessary to eliminate both possibilities.....we're
now running on 1 server and making sure that no pages are cached by remote

I've been researching how coldfusion manages sessions.  We are gathering as
much data as we can when the timeout occurs.  From what we've found, the
CFID, CFTOKEN, and JSESSIONID are all still valid cookies on the user side.
For whatever reason the session scope variables are being wiped out
randomly.  There has been no pattern to this, it's completely random and the
data collected is not pointing in any one direction.  

If you have any advice, please respond.  I've spent a lot of time recently
trying to chase down this problem and I'm getting very annoyed by it.  I
would sincerely appreciate any input.  We are using CFMX 6.1.

Any questions about what I've posted please let me know and I'll do my best
to answer.  

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