The only thing I can offer up is that I use BlogFusion's hosted blog
( and I'm pretty happy with it.

I don't know how the features of the cfblog sites compare with the
features of the Enterprise Blog Portal software, but overall I'm
pretty happy (altho there are a few features I'd like to see added).

I will offer up a HUGE recommendation for the guys behind BlogFusion
tho.  Whenever I've had an issue (be it a bug or an enhancement
request), Jon (Clausen) has always been right on top of it.  When I
say there are some features I'd like to see added... that's true, but
there have also been new features added (pretty quickly) that were
added as a result of my requests/suggestions.

If customer service is important to you, I wouldn't hesitate to look
closely at the BlogFusion offerings.

On 4/6/07, Vince Collins ( <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Multiple Blogs, Multiple Users, Overall Aggregated Portal of all Blogs.
> I'm thinking of adding blogs to an existing commercial site.  I want my
> current customer base to have the option of creating one to many blogs
> under their existing account.  Also having the option of more than one
> user allowed to post blogs is desirable.  I would also like for them to
> choose a short URL for their blog such as
> and have that created when the blog is
> created behind the scenes.
> Has anyone done this using an existing CF-based or other blog
> application?  Does it comply with that blog application user license?
> I noticed that BlogFusion's Enterprise Blog Portal might be along the
> lines of what I was thinking of doing.  Does anyone use BlogFusion?  I'm
> not sure it will be flexible enough to have it all hosted there since
> I'd like to be able to tie it all into the larger premise of the site.
> Any help, suggestions, or experience with BlogFusion, BlogCFC, BlogCFM
> or other tools would be much appreciated.
> Best Regards,
> Vince Collins
> PS:  Ray Camden, if you are listening, have you allowed BlogCFC to be
> used for this sort of use?  Your user license is dependent on other
> underlying code bases so it's a bit fuzzy if I would be able to do this
> sort of thing.  I would not rule out the option of paying a license fee
> or provide a nice donation if that might be an option.

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