> you gotta remember cfm wasnt made to work as a shared server.

Maybe not originally, but again, that's no excuse for it still not working 
properly as a shared server. It will have a hard time being successful long 
term if it is not. 

> and i wouldnt blame hms, blame some bad code from someone on the 
> server (aka will).

Again...that's just an easy excuse. First, it shouldn't be so easy for someone 
to bring down the whole server. Second, if someone is routinely doing so, then 
HMS should track them down. Most people running sites don't *want* to bring the 
server down...but they are often not able to make that determination themselves 
that their site is the problem. 

> bottom line is that if you are on a shared server you are at the mercy 
> of other peoples code that can bring the server down, HMS has gotten 
> pretty strict about bad code on the shared servers but still... If you 
> want better uptime then get your own vps at least. 

Look, I can accept that on a shared server, my site may once in awhile go down. 
I understand that. But when it's a daily thing...that's a problem, and one that 
should be addressed. It gives ColdFusion a bad name if it becomes typical to 
visit a CF site and get a jrun error instead. 

--- Mary Jo

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