I'm customizing chart output display using the Webcharts3D 5.0 app that is
included with CFMX7.  So far, I've been able to do most of what I wanted to
do, but there are still a couple of things that I can't get right.  First,
the basics.  This is a simple poll application and I am using pie charts
across the board.  I am displaying poll history and thus have several (3)
charts showing per page.  Each chart is 300x600px.  I have the legend
formatted and aligned right, which is more or less where I want it to be.  I
am using Flash charts.

Here are my issues:

1. Is there no way to fix the location of the chart and the legend?  I want
the chart to occupy the left 300x300 area of the chart, and I want the
legend to occupy the right 300x300 are of the chart, with the text aligned
left.  Instead, the chart takes up as much space as it can, and crams the
legend as far to the right as it can.
2. Is there a way to format the mouseover text?  I was able to format the
legend text exactly the way I want to, but the mouseover only seems to allow
columnvalue/rowvalue.  I would prefer to display columnvalue/rowvalue as a
percentage of the total.
3. Is there a way to dynamically pass in a title?  I want to use the survey
question as the chart title, but haven't been able to figure out how to pass
that value in.



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