If an outcome is indeed personal preference then hoorah, but it would seem
that from posts that there are benefits attributed to some over others based
on experience and with technical merit. Of course preference pays a part
same we develop in ColdFusion over .NET etc.   Do you think that it is just
down to, well I like blue so I am going to choose it? Do you not think that
one framework does some things better? I am not looking for one ring to rule
them all, neither do I think there is one, but there must be pointers etc
for certain areas of functionality and focus?

If not then so be it! :-]

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-----Original Message-----
From: Charlie Griefer
To: CF-Talk
Sent: Wed May 02 23:21:28 2007
Subject: Re: Which Framework do you use... (if any)

On 5/2/07, Robertson-Ravo, Neil (RX)
> Again, I get confused on why it would "depend".  If this was the case then
> it would be easy to choose a framework.
> Is it that if you want OO dev you choose Mach-II etc.  Disregard skillset
> for this, imagine it was an open playing field and we all knew the same
> stuff and we all wanted to build the same app.
> What makes one framework more suitable for a particular project over
> (other then personal preference)

Why are you so laser focused on believing that one has to "just be
better" than any other?

Why *can't* it be personal preference?  It's not an "open playing
field" and we don't all know the same stuff.

I just recently got into fusebox and chose it because i didn't have
any prior experience with frameworks and figured it would likely be
the easiest for me to learn.

Next I'm leaning towards Coldbox because I've heard that it's got
ridiculous amounts of documentation available which again... would
make it easier for me to learn.

But I don't for a second believe that one is "just better" than any
other.  If that were the case, the others wouldn't exist.

Yes, a Lexus is "better" than a Yugo.  But a Lexus also costs more
than a Yugo.  Comparing cars to frameworks in this context doesn't
really work.

I really think the reason you're having a problem getting the answer
that you're looking for is because you're discounting the only right
answer which is... "it depends" / "personal preference" :)

Charlie Griefer

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