On 5/2/07, Robertson-Ravo, Neil (RX)
> But to add, I can understand personal preference as it's human nature to
> like something as an individual, what I don't yet see is where the "it
> depends" approach comes in to play.  We have had skillset, project and
> budget as listings.  So if we had say a theoretical team of 7 developers all
> skilled in ColdFusion, CFCs and proficient OO developers wanting to build a
> scalable enterprise level applications what would I choose?
> Surely this now gives us a focus to narrow it down?
> If a set of rules / problems had a dependency then it would be easily to
> find a better solution
> Maybe I am over thinking it, and no doubt I am, but the "it depends" for me
> is still unanswered... Or maybe we need a framework to choose a framework?

I would think that you could narrow your choices down to Mach-ii or
Model-Glue, based on the proficiency with CFCs and OO (you could add
ColdBox too, but assume for the sake of simplicity we're keeping it to
the "big 3" community supported application frameworks).

It's not that Fusebox doesn't do OO... sean has some sample code that
shows procedural FB, MVC FB, and OO FB.  but I think that "out of the
box"... Mach-ii and Model-Glue are more of the MVC/OO by nature.  If
you really liked FB and wanted to go that route... you could.  It's
personal preference and it depends :)

But let's say you've narrowed it down to Mach-ii or MG.

Having never used either my statements here shouldn't be swayed by
personal preference :)

AFAIK, they all allow you to use an ORM of your choice.  They all
allow you to use ColdSpring.  So there's really no voting one off the
island based on those criteria.

I've heard that Mach-ii is more stringent in enforcing rules...and
that the learning curve is higher.  However, that might be a moot
point if the proficiencies that you mention are already in place.

Another consideration might be community support.  Mach-ii faded from
the spotlight for a while.  I believe that Matt Woodward and Peter
Farell (among others?) are currently feverishly working on a new
release.  But for the time being, you might be able to count on
greater support from the community if you went with MG.

You might also want to download the core files for both MG and Mach-ii
and just write yourself a quick Hello World app.  See which one you
(and your team) feel most comfortable with.  I know... that brings it
back to a matter of personal preference... but aside from a few things
like documentation, community support... really there isn't much else
to consider.

Charlie Griefer

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