The referrer is unreliable. If it stopped your problem, that's good. But if
the spammer figured out that all you were checking was the referrer, he'd be
back in business fairly easily. He'd either spoof the referrer or simply use
your form instead of a copy of it running somewhere else.

-----Original Message-----
From: K Simanonok [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Thursday, May 10, 2007 1:28 AM
To: CF-Talk
Subject: Re: defeating offline form posts

At 03:10 AM 5/9/2007, Eric wrote:
> Curious question here. If I think about this, if someone takes a form 
of ours for login, for example, and makes a local copy on their 
machine....and they set the post action to be the live server 
authenticate file....what is the best way to detect this and defeat it? 
Noone has ever gained access this way as of yet, but we are studying 
possibilities, and this seems to me to be an attack vector.

> Any thoughts? A check to see if the referrer was the domain 
name/login file name? Or can that be spoofed as well then?

Offsite forms can be submitted to use your email templates as Spam blasters
or else to send Spam to you, and such submittals can be automated so they'll
do their dirty work without any human intervention.  I just recently had
this problem with some creep attacking a site of mine with a robot every
couple of hours and solved it this way:


   Error message presented (mine is quite nasty) 



I'm not sure how someone could spoof a domain name to defeat this, probably
by screwing around with the headers but they'd have to know or be determined
enough to figure out what they needed to do.  Certainly you're not going to
explain to them in your error message that they didn't submit the message
from the proper page on your site, although they will know that and can
experiment if they want.  

Did someone say that not all browsers will send HTTP_REFERER information?
That could make this method less than ideal.  


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