Hi Joel

This would no doubt cause some delay on your mail spool, I do recall that CF
used to have a limit of 40 on the cc/bcc fields but I think this was fixed
in version 5 upwards.

I guess you could test it and see what happens, say to a gmail account.

If you did go down the route of looping cfmail you could maybe cause a delay
between each occurance of the tag by using say a udf to cause a pause in the


Also be sure to keep your emails layout to a minimun  / not html heavy etc.

Sorry for the rushed response.

HTH Jose Diaz

On 5/11/07, Joel Watson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I have a forum in which users can subscribe to particular threads.  When
> other users make replies, all users who are subscribed to the thread will
> receive an email (basic stuff, I know).
> My question is regarding what the best practice for handling this mailing
> should be.
> Currently, I am querying my db to get the emails of subscribed
> users.  Using the listAppend function, I create a list of emails and pass it
> into the bcc field (I don't want every user to get the emails of every other
> subscribed user).
> Right now, this is not a problem as the user base is small.  However, if
> it increases (and I expect it to very soon), I am wondering if this is the
> best way to do this.
> So my question is this:  Would it be best to continue with what I am doing
> (list of addresses), and is there a certain limit to the number of addresses
> that can be in the bcc field?
> Or...should I loop over the cfmail tag itself, running the tag the same
> number of times as there are subscribed users?  In this option, are there
> going to be significant performance issues if, say, there are 500 subscribed
> users (thus the cfmail tag running 500 times?)
> And, of course, there may be other ways to do this entirely that are
> better than either of these options.  I am definitely open to those as well.
> Thanks!

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