You sound jaded.  :)  I am setting up my clusters to use session
replication because sticky sessions wreak havoc on my load balancing
distribution.  We have a heavily-used internal site with a very small
number of unique users (around 300 right now) and very long average
session lengths (8 hour working day).  Somehow everyone always gets
stuck on one server and I am tired of that.

Besides, even if session replication is only good in your eyes for
failover, shouldn't it at least work when it fails over???


-----Original Message-----
From: Sean Corfield [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Friday, May 11, 2007 12:49 AM
To: CF-Talk
Subject: Re: Scorpio

On 5/9/07, Brad Wood <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Forta was at the Kansas City user group last night and I would just
> to say I am so happy to hear that CFCs (and XML documents) will
> serialize properly in CF 8 and replicate between shared sessions!

Why are so many people so excited about this? Session replication is
not needed on the vast majority of sites - it just causes network
chatter and it still has latency so if a session does failover due a
server going down, you might still get a request into a new server
instance before the session data is available.

How many people are actually using replication and what is your
justification for it?

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