
You're like the ref dropping the puck on center ice. "...aaaannnd 
Discuss!" Just sit back and watch the emails fly! :o)

I am all for getting CF some gosh-dern'd respect in the web development 
community at large, and I know there have been several discussions on 
this sort of topic in the past.

One of CF's strengths that Ben pointed out in his presentation to the 
Dallas CFUG was that ColdFusion is really good at letting you work with 
all sorts of different technologies (Java, .NET, DAO, COM, etc., etc.) 
So, it'd probably be good to showcase that sort of thing as well.

Each project should be required to have a white paper of sorts 
describing the technologies used, the programming methods used, the time 
it took to develop, the version of CF they used (BD, Railio, Smith 
Project, whatever), anything that was super-easy implement (or just 
plain super-cool) that wouldn't have been as easy (or cool) had it been 
coded in another language. That super-cool thing might in fact be that 
the language allowed the developers to step outside of the CF box, grab 
hold of another languages technology (a COM object for instance or a 
Java Bean, or whatever) and integrate it seamlessly and without breaking 
a sweat!

Sounds like a cool idea to me. I'm up for chippin' in on a small project 
as long as I can still get my bread and butter work done. :o)


Jon Clausen wrote:
> So, I love Coldfusion but I'm starting to get mildly irked by the bum  
> rap CF gets as  an RAD platform for web applications.  Not by those  
> of us on this list, of course (we know better), but by the "Web 2.0  
> crowd" at large.  I've played with Rails in my off-time and find it  
> quite interesting, but I'll still take CF any day of the week, and  
> twice on Sundays.
>   A friend, Jake, whom some of you know previously from Blogfusion is  
> now head of a Rails shop ( and one of their  
> marketing projects is to do a monthly "casual application" using  
> Rails (example: ).    Their  
> apps can be anything but the premise is that they can be developed  
> using Rails in less than a week by developers in their off-time.    
> Mostly the apps they are doing are mash-ups using other web app API's  
> to string something cool and unique together.
> While we have a bunch of great resources out there, IMHO,  much of  
> the really neat  stuff  with CF is being done " behind the firewall"   
> which the public doesn't get to see.   GotCFM is a great start but  
> I'm noodling on something else to amp up the public "cool-factor"   
> and wanted to see if there were any takers out there who would be  
> interested.  Here's my thoughts:
> 1)  Set up a site ( franken-fusion as a domain maybe?) that would  
> showcase a once a month "Casual Application"  done exclusively in  
> Coldfusion (no Flex for now, so as not to muddy the focus but a  
> smidgen of Java might be OK)
> 2) A different app would be developed once a month, using free time,  
> by changing teams of 2-4 developers from varying backgrounds, but  
> probably organized by development style and preferences (i.e. - OO  
> vs. procedural, Fusebox vs. MG:U, etc.).  Organizing by Geography or  
> CFUG might be an option as well.
> 3) The teams get to decide everything about the project so that it  
> fits their interests and they get to have some fun while doing it  
> instead of it just being a drain on their time.
> 4) I would volunteer to host SVN, Trac, and the live projects/sites  
> on my servers for the time being, unless someone else (RIAForge  
> maybe?) wants to do it.  Alternately project teams could host their  
> own project and just use the main site as a front to link back to the  
> project site.
> 5) I would also volunteer to co-develop on some off the projects.
> 6) Projects could be open-source, encrypted, closed-source  or a  
> combination depending on what the project team decides.     This  
> would allow developers to use their internal code libraries they  
> might not want shared - meaning more "cool" in less time.
> There's no ego attached to this on my end, so I won't be offended if  
> a more visible and prolific member of the community like Ben, Ray,  
> Sean Corfield, or John Paul Ashenfelter want to spearhead it or think  
> differently. Like I said, I've been kicking this around in my head  
> for a few weeks and I wanted to throw the idea out there to gauge the  
> level of interest.
> Discuss.  :-)
> -Jon

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