Devils advocate... To be fair, don't pan blame on the past developer on
someones word as you haven't seen the code, it could be very well written
and it is the current developers who simple don't understand it (not saying
it is, just that it could be).  If may well be a pile of crap (not
giftwrapped) but it could also be well structured just using more complex

Just my £0.02p

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-----Original Message-----
From: Charlie Griefer
To: CF-Talk
Sent: Thu May 17 17:28:45 2007
Subject: Re: Does CF Framework make life easier? Which one to start?

On 5/17/07, James Wolfe <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I cant speak about Frameworks in general, but I can tell you to avoid
FuseBox like the plague.
> If all you ever coded in was fusebox, then maybe its an OK framework to
work with.
> We hired a new developer who told us that FuseBox was the bomb and that he
knew it. We gave him a specific project to code using FuseBox and to this
day we regret it. The code is so difficult to read, understand and debug
that any possible gain in the form of reusable code is immediately lost many
times over in finding the code you intend to reuse.
> Maybe the project was too large for FuseBox. Maybe the guy was incompetent
(he no longer works for us). But we deeply regret allowing him to code that
project in FuseBox and have not even considered using it again.


I can't speak about Frameworks in general either, as I've only just
recently started using one... and it happened to be Fusebox.

My guess would be that your developer may not have been particularly
competent.  Frankly, it's easy to write "bad" fusebox.  Is that a
negative about the framework itself?  Perhaps... but it also makes
learning the framework a bit less intimidating.

Since I've been using it, I've come across some horrible (i mean
truly, truly horrible) fusebox code.  At it's most basic.. the only
real "rule" it asks you to adhere to is separating your display code
into dsp_ files, and your logic into act_ (there is also qry_ and
lay_... but let's just stick to those 2 to keep it basic).  I've seen
code where -all- of the page is in one single act_ file.  And yes,
that makes maintenance a nightmare.  But y'know what?  That's not
Fusebox :)

I can take a crap and wrap it up in a box from Saks Fifth Avenue but
that doesn't make it any less... crap.

Check out some good fusebox code and I think you'll find that it does
*significantly* make your code easier to maintain.  But the effort has
to be put in up front.  Otherwise, you just get... well, crap :)

Just my $0.02 as a spaghetti coder who has really been enjoyiong
organizing his code with fusebox.

Charlie Griefer

"...All the world shall be your enemy, Prince with a Thousand Enemies,
and whenever they catch you, they will kill you. But first they must catch
you, digger, listener, runner, prince with a swift warning.
Be cunning and full of tricks and your people shall never be destroyed."

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