>> I am having a huge problem right now, I have an application 
>> where I am using CFID/Cftoken as part of URL parameter.  They 
>> are currently being maintained in the registry.
>As an aside, you really don't want to store client data in the registry. Use
>a database instead.
>> What is the underlying cause of it?
>CFID and CFTOKEN are used to uniquely identify a client. If two clients use
>the same values, they will appear to be the same client from your
>application's perspective.
>> If I change the session management parameters though the CF 
>> Administrator to use cookies, is there other major work (code 
>> re-write) I need to do, since the application has been 
>> developed using cfids/cftokens in the URL.
>There is no session management parameter in the CF Administrator to let you
>use cookies instead of URL parameters. Within the CF Administrator, you can
>specify whether session management is enabled, what the default and maximum
>timeouts are, and in CFMX, whether you use J2EE or CF session tokens.
>If you're talking about client management, there is an option to use cookies
>to store the actual client data. This is somewhat independent of whether you
>use cookies or URL parameters as client tokens.
>If your application is specifically looking for URL.CFID and URL.CFTOKEN,
>you would need to rewrite your code if those variables didn't exist. You
>could probably just set URL.CFID equal to Client.CFID, and URL.CFTOKEN equal
>to Client.CFTOKEN, within Application.cfm as a relatively easy workaround.
>> OR
>> Can I set the addtoken=no in the cflocation and prevent the 
>> tokens from being append to URL..  If yes, are there any 
>> major repercussions.  Will this work.
>If you didn't specifically disable cookies, they probably are being set, in
>which case you can (usually) disable setting them in the URL. Check to see
>if cookies are being set.
>Dave Watts, CTO, Fig Leaf Software
>Fig Leaf Software provides the highest caliber vendor-authorized
>instruction at our training centers in Washington DC, Atlanta,
>Chicago, Baltimore, Northern Virginia, or on-site at your location.
>Visit http://training.figleaf.com/ for more information!
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