> Hi,
> Although I'm not sure this could be related to CF, but I'm having some
> weird errors
> caused from time to time in some form action template not able to find
> anything in the form scope.

That is freakin weird.  I'm having the exact same problem.  I have a posted 
form that occasionally seems to drop the form variables.  I get an error 
email that shows the form struct is empty, although I know that there is no 
way to hit this page other than a post with several hidden form fields 
defined.  This happens maybe one out of 200 times.

In my case cgi.request_method reports "post" so that's not where the failure 
is occurring.  I've not been able to pin down why it happens.

I'm on Linux/Apache2.0.52/CF7.02.

-- Josh

Macromedia ColdFusion MX7
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