On 6/16/07, Dinner wrote:

> <random rhetorical aside (disregard)>
>  How come so much CF uses .cfm, when there's a ton that could be
>  written to plain html, sparing CF cycles?  Cache takes care of it?
> </random rhetorical aside (disregard)>

Hah.  One of my pet rants.  Answer is one or the other of
1. The developer/customer is not up to the task of complicating the
admin/edit process by outputting static pages from their
administration system
2. The developer/customer doesn't understand or dismisses the benefits
of static delivery, or opines that gratuitous dynamic delivery is
"what [insert app server here] is for".

One of the best things you can do for a busy CF server is ... cut CF
out of the picture.  Let IIS do the heavy lifting and keep CF as an
admin-only tool wherever possible.


Janitor, The Robertson Team

Macromedia ColdFusion MX7
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