You could also place your config settings in an ANT properties file, and use
ANT to deploy the site. You can then tell ANT to substitue the specified
values into your code as part of the deployment.

On 7/26/07, Dave Watts <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > I have structured my web site (CF8) so that my config
> > settings are outside of the web root such as this:
> >
> > C:\Components
> > C:\Config
> > C:\CustomTags
> > C:\WebSite
> >
> > I'm building the site at:
> > and will publish it to
> >
> > With the exception of the C:\Config folder, all other folders
> > will be published to the production site.  The contents of
> > the C:\Config folder will contain site-specific information
> > such as the site name "AceLinkTest" vs "AceLink" and
> > different values for session and application timeouts.  (The
> > test site will have shorter timeouts.)
> >
> > Now, I'm building the Application.cfc and can't figure out
> > the best way to set the Application variables such as:
> >
> > = #appName#;
> > this.sessionTimeout = #sessionTimeout#;
> > this.mappings["CustomTags"] = #customTagsServerPath#;
> >
> > I want to use either an Include or Component (not wanting to
> > argue which is better), but I can't include a config.cfm file
> > if it's outside the web root since the mapping is not yet
> > created.  I can't create the mapping because I can't read the
> > config.cfm file that is outside the web root.
> >
> > I want to keep the web site as dynamic as possible, regarding
> > server paths and URLs, and also keep a separate directory for
> > my site configuration.  However, where do I get that first
> > bit of information that ties it all together?
> Use a relative reference to get to the parent directory or to siblings,
> etc.
> Obviously, something will have to be hard-coded - the relative location of
> the config file, or perhaps the name of the config file if you wanted to
> mimic the behavior of CF when it's looking for Application.cfc/cfm.
> Dave Watts, CTO, Fig Leaf Software
> Fig Leaf Software provides the highest caliber vendor-authorized
> instruction at our training centers in Washington DC, Atlanta,
> Chicago, Baltimore, Northern Virginia, or on-site at your location.
> Visit for more information!
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