> Now why does CF standard not just go ahead and do this for 
> you. Well franky I don't know, but it really doesn't matter 
> if you have the drivers anyway.

Adobe can't just bundle whatever they like. They bundle DataDirect drivers,
and pay for the privilege. Presumably, that's one reason why Enterprise
costs more than Standard - more DataDirect drivers are included.

> So, I have to agree with Dale... Adobe has put a bullet in 
> CF. For example, Standard Edition would be fine for me but I 
> need Oracle access and now I need to pay twice that just to 
> do supported Oracle connectivity.

Finding out that you can use Oracle's own JDBC drivers shouldn't take more
than a few seconds:

> We are an enterprise and when I discussed this with management 
> they came back and said we should just invest our time in ASP.NET. 
> We can retrain our developers, and not worry about buying upgrades 
> and we'll get new features as they come out.

What makes you so sure that all new versions of the .NET Framework will run
on your existing Windows servers? They might, they might not.

Dave Watts, CTO, Fig Leaf Software

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