> Well, that's the thing: I don't have a particular scenario in mind.  I'm 
> looking more for conceptual and
>methodological  ideas, e.g., "the user has submitted the form: now what?".

Hi Joel,

I wrote myself a validation CFC to handle as wide a range of form 
validations as possible.

In the form I'm submitting, I include a hidden input field that looks sorta 
like this:

<input type="hidden" name="validate_config" value="
firstname^First Name^yes^string|
lastname^Last Name^yes^string|

The values 1^2^3^4 equate to:
1: field name
2: display name - used if an error occurs to display to user
3: is required? - boolean
4: data type as defined by the CF isValid function

The validate method takes the validate_config string, parses it and uses 
isValid(data type) on the fields to validate the form accordingly.  It 
doesn't handle dependencies (i.e. if field 1 is empty then field 2 must have 
a value) but it will handle most basic requirements.  Any errors are kicked 
back in an array or a string if you like.

Once this is up and running and cached in the Application scope, in your 
action page you just do something like:
<cfset errors = Application.validate.validate(form,form.validate_config)>
<cfif not arraylen(errors)>
       <!--- update db or whatever --->

Here's the code if you want to have a look:

-- Josh 

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