On 11/10/00, Alex penned:
>i think they are cached according to the queryname. so if you name the query
>with a sessionid you could have them cached per user.
>and YES  they will make the page faster for the end user.
>i cache all static querys.

They are cached by name, search parameters, and also by the query 
structure itself.


SELECT product_name
FROM products


SELECT product_name FROM products

would be read as 2 separate queries because the structure is 
different, even if they are named the same.

Where it will also help, in addition to static queries, is if you 
have a query that returns many items and you are doing next'n 
records. Every time the user clicks to show the next 
startrow/maxrows, the database will not be hit again and it will 
speed things up considerably.

Tip. If you are going to be caching alot of queries, you may want to 
do it like I do my shopping cart. In application.cfm I set:

<CFPARAM NAME="attributes.cachequery" DEFAULT="#createtimespan(0,0,30,0)#">

Then in the query tag:


Then when doing administration, you just set the timespan to 0,0,0,0, 
do your administration, wait 1/2 hour and set it back. This assures 
everyone is getting up to date records.

Bud Schneehagen - Tropical Web Creations

ColdFusion Solutions / eCommerce Development
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