I'm building a link generator tool that creates links to data driven
glossaries.  The theory is the user can cut and paste the link into either
static text on the site, or into text areas on forms to update the data
base. I can handle the quotes, but the #'s are giving me a fit.


I can output a link like: 


<a href="#"
'glossary', '410', '300', '110', '35')">


This works fine when it's going into HTML text, but when it's going into a
cf form, the # throws off Cold Fusion. If I use a breaking ##, that work for
cf handling, but isn't right for HTML text.


So I thought I'd try, 


<a href="javascript:
openPopUp('http://mysite.com/glossary.cfm?glossary=3&term=156', 'glossary',
'410', '300', '110', '35)">


That works for cut and paste in both CF and HTML text, but it moves the
current page to [Object]. 


Is there something I can add to the last statement to make the href execute
the openPopUp but leave the current page alone; or is there another option?




Robert B. Harrison
Director of Interactive services
Austin & Williams
125 Kennedy Drive, Suite 100 Hauppauge NY 11788
T : 631.231.6600 Ext. 119 

F : 631.434.7022

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